Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Although the calendar has said that spring was here weeks ago the temps don't always show it. With all the rain bringing cooler temperatures I figured this was actually the best time to do the Spring Cleaning. When the weather does get warmer and stay that way and the rain is less frequent you would want to be outside doing work rather than cleaning and that would just cause me to continue to put it off. So this really is the best time to do with spring cleaning.

Start with one room at time. Thinking about all of them will just make you fall back on the sofa and need a nap. Start with the room that you spend the most time in. It will be where you can retire to each time you clean another room. And unless you are always cleaning this project could take a couple of days or a week. And if you just work on the weekends it would take weeks so pace yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Now start with one room make a cleaning list. If you make a list it might help keep the clutter down and less cleaning next years

Below is just a small list of the cleaning checklist you can create for yourself or others to do to pitch in.

Living Room
Move furniture (if possible) clean under and behind - vacuum etc
Declutter; remove old magazines 
Deep clean carpet and rugs
Dust ceiling fans
Pillow covers (if applicable) need to be washed

Dust higher items - items that you don't always see the top of. Just as a book case or top of mirrors or pictures.
Some say you should only vacuum once a week other say more than that. It would depend on your climate and dirt level. We have dry conditions so once a week is just not enough most of the time. 
Fluff pillows or cushions on furniture.

Light dusting
Vacuum (in my case)
Anything left in living room. 

If you break your rooms into things that you would Monthly - Weekly - Daily it would help next year. 

Declutter is the hardest part to do 
We keep things for so many reason. 
You should ask yourself questions:
Will I use (wear) this?
Do I keep "just in case"?
Do you love the item or the memory 
Do you have multiples of the same item?
Could something else I have do the same job (mops, vacs, cleaning tools of all kinds)
Could I use this space for something else?

These are things that really make a difference in all the clutter. I am a victim of keeping things "just because." 

Homemade Cleaning Supplies - Bleach Anywhere*

This was a great product that was introduced. It has the cleaning of bleach but is diluted enough not to leave a strong bleach smell and it is not as dangerous if kids touch before it is dry. Since the actual product cost around $3.50 a bottle and is more than 95% water why not make your own.

1 1/2 teaspoon of bleach
22 oz. water

Fill spray bottle with water and then add bleach. Put the nozzle on the bottle and shake gently to mix.

*Due to copyright laws I have not used the product name.

Some say that the solution only has the cleaning power if used in 24 hours other say longer. I suggest making only what you are going to use that day. Also another note. Make sure that the spray bottle you use does not have a metal spring. If you have purchased bleach cleaners in the past reuse that bottle for this solution.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Homemade Bubbles for Kids (and overgrown kids)

Just like anyone else I love to play with the kids bubbles, but I started noticing that most of it ended up on the ground and although it is not that expensive, when you end up with more on the ground than in bubbles it doesn't make sense to buy them all the time. And you know that one of the kids is going to kick someones bubbles over. 
You can make these and let them play outside inside of on the games or watching TV. This also makes a great party favor you can put in little bottles for each kid and add the recipe for them to take home. 

1 cup of water
4 tablespoons dishwashing liquid
2 tablespoons light karo syrup or glycerin

Combine together and shake in container. 

Make a cute label to either apply to the bottle or on a card.